11/17/2008 / Comments (1) / by kitt

For those who made all the fuss about a certain Pablo Banila stalking your multiply accounts, you finally have nothing to worry about. He never stalked any of you multiply users:

In an article written by Bianca Consunji of the Philippine Daily Inquirer:
"NO, he’s not a cyber-stalker. Or a group of psychology students doing a project. Or the government in disguise. Pablo Banila is a real person, but he’s not the crazy lowlife that people thought he was.

The truth is, Pablo Banila never really visited every website where his avatar appeared—his bots did. An anonymous reader who identified himself as a retired hacker explained, “Pablo Banila actually is a programmer who uses a program called ‘web crawler.’ Web crawlers were originally used by search engines such as Google and Yahoo to automatically browse web pages on the internet. [This is done so they can] save the data on their database and make an index list of the web pages on the Internet.'"

The scandal roused some overly ridiculous comments and reactions from a myriad of multiply users in the Philippines. Those who once advocated hate towards this seemingly threatening cyber stalker are now shifting to thinking that he is a cool guy. Quite pretentious and vain if you ask me.

For the whole article click here


Anonymous @ 11/24/08, 7:35 AM

read the whole article in newspaper..he is a tech nerd...skillful to do what he has done... :-)