11/04/2008 / Comments (3) / by kitt

Among the dizzying whirl of music media that are hitting the market today comes a Filipino music portal that mixes the emerging new media and evolving Filipino music. As a virtual and more interactive extension of the local music store Odyssey comes
Odysseylive.net : an online networking website that caters to Filipino music, artists, and listeners of the new generation. It is primarily a music portal that allows users to stream music for free while browsing the pages of different artists and bands.

The site is similar to other networking websites in a sense that it is essentially a social networking site showcasing blogging, video-posting, and photo-uploading characteristics. However, as a music website, it extends beyond more than the usual features that other social networking sites offer. Individuals can sign up either as listeners or musicians, and are free to post as much music, photos, videos without limit. Plus, it enables easier and more open interaction between the listeners and the musicians.

Ultimately, Odysseylive.net serves as an arena dedicated especially for creating relationships between the artists and listeners. Although it is designed specifically for Filipinos, foreign artists and listeners are also welcome to enjoy the features of the site and experience Pinoy music.

Sign up for Odysseylive.net now!


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Anonymous @ 11/7/10, 4:57 AM

Thanks for some quality points there. I am kind of new to online , so I printed this off to put in my file, any better way to go about keeping track of it then printing?